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Book launch Arahuata Inuaelü nenakaaürüte karitiin nereretaaüre. Ninichu kuruuaje nenakaaürü Urarinaaürü nereretaau / Los antiguos me contaron. Mitos y cuentos urarinas delbajo Chambira

Launch of the book Arahuata Inuaelü nenakaaürüte karitiin nereretaaüre. Ninichu kuruuaje nenakaaürü Urarinaaürü nereretaau / Los antiguos me contaron. Mitos y cuentos urarinas delbajo Chambira. Lima: CAAAP/IIAP/U. of St. Andrews, by Emanuele Fabiano, Graeme Burnley & Samuel Nuribe. The book was also handed to local Indigenous communities and to Urarina teachers during the intercultural training of FORMABIAP.   In […]

Ler MAis

Lecture Series 2024

Linguistic heritage in private hands: comparing materials from the Arawak languages (Peru) with the case of California In recent years the California Language Archive at the University of California, Berkeley (CLA; has been acquiring archival materials — recordings, dcouments, photographs — on the Arawak peoples of Peru from a group of anthropologists, linguists, and ethnomusicologists […]

Ler MAis

Movie Release Bakish Rao: plants in struggle

Bakish Rao: plants in struggle is a science fiction that speculates on plantations and the future of the planet from the perspective of plants and through experimentation with the plant universe. Thus, with the human perspective de-centred, the film is a collaborative experience between artistic languages and scientific debates, as well as an essay that […]

Ler MAis

Launch of Piseagrama

February 12, 2024 7 pm Livraria Travessa de Lisboa Launch of the Piseagrama magazine dedicated to ” Vegetalities “, in collaboration with the publishing house n-1! The magazine brings together texts and artistic works that investigate different ways of understanding and relating to plant life.  Piseagrama and N-1 Edições  

Ler MAis

Amazon Exhibition

Exhibition of works by students from the 1st to the 4th grades of Externato Santa Catarina school based on the presentation “The Amazon and its Peoples” within the CES goes to School program. Externato Santa Catarina January 16-23, 2024 In collaboration with Externato Santa Catarina

Ler MAis

Pajé Jaguar Exhibition – Denilson Baniwa

Selection of works by Indigenous artist Denilson Baniwa on the topic of monocultures in Brazil.   February 15 | 4 p.m.UC Faculty of Arts, Amphitheater III Conversation with Denilson BaniwaPresentation of the artist’s REWRITEParticipation of curator Nelson Ricardo MartinsModeration by Patrícia Vieira   February 16 | 5:30 p.m.College of Arts, Exams RoomOpening of the exhibition […]

Ler MAis