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The Voice of the Forest

This project brings a sound installation to the historic center of the city of Coimbra, recreating the sounds of the Amazon rainforest, while also organizing a drawing and painting workshop for young and old. June 5, 2024 Pátio do Castilho, Baixa de Coimbra Know more

Ler MAis

Anozero Agora Freedom and Fantasy

The event takes place within the scope of the Anozero’24 Coimbra Biennale. The project promotes the interaction of the Biennale with the city through actions carried out, mainly, in downtown Coimbra. With freedom as its backdrop, Anozero Agora Freedom and Fantasy, designed and curated by Nelson Ricardo Martins, will have as its epicenter a house […]

Ler MAis

Coordination of Workshop – Ecopedagogical practices in the context of Gavião schools

Participatory workshop on pedagogical and theatrical methodologies aimed at the teachers and students of the Rônoré Gavião School. The event was conceived as a theoretical and practical meeting to promote the mobilization of bodily knowledge and relational experiences linked to the diversity of flora and fauna that permeate the life of the Gavião people. This activity […]

Ler MAis

Book launch Arahuata Inuaelü nenakaaürüte karitiin nereretaaüre. Ninichu kuruuaje nenakaaürü Urarinaaürü nereretaau / Los antiguos me contaron. Mitos y cuentos urarinas delbajo Chambira

Launch of the book Arahuata Inuaelü nenakaaürüte karitiin nereretaaüre. Ninichu kuruuaje nenakaaürü Urarinaaürü nereretaau / Los antiguos me contaron. Mitos y cuentos urarinas delbajo Chambira. Lima: CAAAP/IIAP/U. of St. Andrews, by Emanuele Fabiano, Graeme Burnley & Samuel Nuribe. The book was also handed to local Indigenous communities and to Urarina teachers during the intercultural training of FORMABIAP.   In […]

Ler MAis

Movie Release Bakish Rao: plants in struggle

Bakish Rao: plants in struggle is a science fiction that speculates on plantations and the future of the planet from the perspective of plants and through experimentation with the plant universe. Thus, with the human perspective de-centred, the film is a collaborative experience between artistic languages and scientific debates, as well as an essay that […]

Ler MAis

Launch of Piseagrama

February 12, 2024 7 pm Livraria Travessa de Lisboa Launch of the Piseagrama magazine dedicated to ” Vegetalities “, in collaboration with the publishing house n-1! The magazine brings together texts and artistic works that investigate different ways of understanding and relating to plant life.  Piseagrama and N-1 Edições  

Ler MAis