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Lecture Series 2023

Amazonian Animals in Contemporary Brazilian Literature Maria Esther Maciel October 4, 3 pm Instituto de Ciências Sociais, University of Lisbon In collaboration with ABIDE project and the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon  This talk will discuss poetic-fictional Brazilian texts from the 21st century focusing on Amazonian animals. The goal is to […]

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Lecture Series 2023

Another History of the Lost Cities of the Amazon: Development and Utopia in Contemporary Brazil Danielle Heberle Viegas | Munich Centre for Global History In this session, the speaker proposes an analysis of the emergence and disappearance of cities in the Brazilian Amazon throughout the twentieth century to the present, in the context of developmentalist […]

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Lecture Series 2023

Indigenous Visual Arts and the Paradoxes of Building Indigenous Identities Through Contemporary Art  A critical tour through the visual arts of the indigenous Peruvian Amazon since their irruption in Lima at the end of the last century will be presented. We will note how the themes developed by the artists move between visual narratives of […]

Ler MAis

Amazonian Futurisms : More-than-Human Imaginaries

The starting point of this event was a reflection on the notion of the future based on theoretical and methodological approaches that take the Amazon and its human and more-than-human inhabitants as their central political-speculative context. If the environmental crisis can be translated as a crisis of the Western imaginary—its institutions, philosophical references, modern political […]

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Politics and Poetics of the Rainforest

Indigenous Ontologies in Contemporary Amazonian Arts  To see with the heart is a beautiful expression of the Candoshi Amazonian people. With a sharp poetic sense, this phrase conveys various modes of understanding and establishing relationships with the different forms of life and invisible beings that share the territory with the Indigenous communities of the Amazon […]

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Lecture Series 2023

Possible Futures: Imagination and Speculation to Resist in the Anthropocene Prof. Dr. Renato Sztutman(Universidade de São Paulo)  The focus of this presentation is the place of imagination and speculation in the Anthropocene, a geological epoch in which humanity has become the in which humanity has become the predominant force, putting the integrity of the planet at […]

Ler MAis

Plant Alterities. Multispecies entanglements with plants

The aim of the Plant Alterities event was to bring together researchers, both indigenous and non-indigenous, from different areas of knowledge in the human sciences who are interested in plant life and its multispecies entanglements. So-called “plant interactions” open up space for innovative and interdisciplinary approaches that invite us to experiment with different modes of […]

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