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Juanjo Fernández. Parana Twana / Alma del río: La vida en las comunidades ribereñas del Marañon. Lima: Pakarina Ediciones. 2024.

Photographic work by Juanjo Fernandéz about life in riverside communities in Marañon (Peru), threatened by oil extraction. With a text by Patrícia Vieira titled “Las Vidas de los Ríos Amazónicos.

Joana Cabral de Oliveira, Marta Amoroso, Ana Gabriela Morim de Lima, Karen Shiratori, Stelio Marras, Laure Emperaire. (2024) Voix végétales: Diversité, résistances et histoires de la forêt. IRD Éditions. Collection : Mondes vivants.

Throughout the history of modern naturalistic thought, plant life has been subordinated to other forms of life. Plants and, more broadly, “nature” have been assimilated to resources to be exploited, a vision that has deep resonances in the current ecological catastrophe. The production of new narratives is urgent and requires the mobilization of cultural, technical, symbolic and cognitive references different from those of the dominant model. This is what this book invites us to do: as we go through the chapters, anchored in the territories of Amerindian peoples and local communities in Brazil, we encounter a diversity of knowledge, inseparable from ways of life and cosmovisions engendered in a constant process of shared life between humans and plants.

Denilson Baniwa (2024), ReescritaCoimbra: Colégio das Artes and Centro de Estudos Sociais, Projeto ECO.

Book by artist Denilson Baniwa, with a selection of some of his most striking works and of his poems in dialogue with his art.

Pablo Quintanilla, Clark Barrett, Michael L. Cepek, Emanuele Fabiano y Edouard Machery, eds. (2023) Epistemologías andinas y amazónicas Conceptos indígenas de conocimiento, sabiduría y comprensión. Fondo Editorial Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Lima: Perú.

This book is the result of intercultural and interdisciplinary research that looks at the different ways in which Andeans, Amazonians and Westerners see each other and themselves, where the aim is precisely to learn from these differences in order to get to know each other better.

Manuel Martín Brañas, Emanuele Fabiano, Dennis Del Castillo Torres, eds. (2023) Donde habitan los neba: naturaleza, cultura e impactos ambientales en los territorios del Pueblo Urarina. Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP), Universidad de St. Andrews. Iquitos: Perú.

The book gathers the results of research conducted for almost a decade in the incomparable natural setting of the Chambira River basin: a biocultural landscape of great importance for the western Amazon and the planet. The volume represents the multidisciplinary and collaborative work carried out with the communities, whose purpose is to better understand the dynamics that govern the floodable ecosystems in the territory of the Urarina people and their relationships with non-human ecosystems.

Fernando Santos-Granero e Emanuele Fabiano, eds. (2023) Urban Imaginaries in Native Amazonia: Tales of Alterity, Power, and Defiance. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.

Urban life has long intrigued Indigenous Amazonians, who regard cities as the locus of both extraordinary power and danger. Cities have thus become models for the representation of extreme alterity under the guise of other-than-human enchanted cities. This volume seeks to analyze how these ambiguous urban imaginaries—complex representations that function as cognitive tools and blueprints for social action—express a singular view of cosmopolitical relations, how they inform and shape forest-city interactions, and what were the historical processes through which they came into existence.

This book is the result of a joint project of over three years, in which we bring together narratives and myths of the Urarina people from the Peruvian Amazon. The transcriptions in Urarina are accompanied by translations into Spanish and English, in order to disseminate this cultural treasure and to share the rich Amazonian worldview with others in Peru and throughout the world.

The Peter Lang series Plants and Animals: Interdisciplinary Approaches, co-edited by Susan McHugh and Patrícia Vieira, publishes monographs and edited books that address key themes in the fields of plant and animal studies from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Why Plants and Animals?