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Trips, vortexes and banzeiros: Immersion in the Amazon rainforest and the nature of the media

In numerous travel accounts about immersion in the Amazon rainforest, the metropolitan subject faces an oppressive experience due to the intense heat, dense vegetation, fauna noises, and persistent insects, resulting in disorientation, torn clothes, and fever. Some are even swallowed by the jungle, as exemplified in the novel “La vorágine” by José Eustasio Rivera. Despite […]

Ler MAis

Amazon Month

Series of events about the Amazon, including an exhibition by Denilson Baniwa (ongoing) and a talk by Patrícia Vieira on April 5 at 6pm. March-April 2024 Galveias Palace, Lisbon In collaboration with the Lisbon City Hall. Program

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Screening of the film A Flor do Buriti

Screening of the film A Flor do Buriti, followed by a discussion with the film directors João Salaviza and Renée Nader Messora, moderated by Patrícia Vieira. March 23, 2024 9:30 pm Casa do Cinema de Coimbra In collaboration with the Caminhos do Cinema Português film festival.

Ler MAis

Lecture Series 2024

Linguistic heritage in private hands: comparing materials from the Arawak languages (Peru) with the case of California In recent years the California Language Archive at the University of California, Berkeley (CLA; has been acquiring archival materials — recordings, dcouments, photographs — on the Arawak peoples of Peru from a group of anthropologists, linguists, and ethnomusicologists […]

Ler MAis

Pajé Jaguar Exhibition – Denilson Baniwa

Selection of works by Indigenous artist Denilson Baniwa on the topic of monocultures in Brazil.   February 15 | 4 p.m.UC Faculty of Arts, Amphitheater III Conversation with Denilson BaniwaPresentation of the artist’s REWRITEParticipation of curator Nelson Ricardo MartinsModeration by Patrícia Vieira   February 16 | 5:30 p.m.College of Arts, Exams RoomOpening of the exhibition […]

Ler MAis

The Amazon and its Peoples

This training activity is part of CES goes to School, a program that disseminates academic research among students from Portuguese schools, aged 6 to 18. During the sessions, we discuss the current situation of the Amazon and its human and non-human inhabitants. We also mention some of the threats to the rainforest. We briefly talk about the history of the Amazon, its Indigenous caboclo and riverine […]

Ler MAis

Symbolic act of the Pyri People (Tenharin)

March 30, 2023 University of São Paulo A group of Indigenous Tenharin people attended the Curt Nimuendajú Conference, the annual event of the Center for Amerindian Studies, CEstA-USP, and performed a Symbolic Act. At the same event, one of their leaders joined the VII Curt Nimuendajú Conference discussion group with João Paulo Tukano.

Ler MAis

Lecture Series 2023

The Process of De-Constitution of Indigenous Rights in Brazil The National Constituent Assembly that took place in Brazil in 1987 and 1988 was the scene of conceptual disputes over worldviews in various areas. With regard to Indigenous rights, the debate resulted in Chapter VIII of the current Brazilian Constitution, whose articles are considered the theoretical […]

Ler MAis

Forest Cities: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Urbanism in the Amazon

This workshop discusses so-called “lost cities” in the Brazilian Amazon created during different waves of developmentalism in the country and later abandoned when those extractivist projects failed. The workshop analyzes these cities from a variety of perspectives, including history, urban studies and the environmental humanities.   Virtual access to the event through the QR-code or […]

Ler MAis