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The starting point of this event was a reflection on the notion of the future based on theoretical and methodological approaches that take the Amazon and its human and more-than-human inhabitants as their central political-speculative context. If the environmental crisis can be translated as a crisis of the Western imaginary—its institutions, philosophical references, modern political ideals, etc.—, facing the Anthropocene, as well as the risks it poses to the planet’s habitability, requires formulating new conceptual tools.

We are facing a crisis that blurs the boundaries between human history and environmental history, and it is urgent to consider the existence of other worlds and other ways of producing plural, heterogeneous, and perhaps even contradictory narratives. We need to consider other ways of narrating that break away from modern dichotomies in favor of multi-specific perspectives, enriched with the imagination of other peoples. In this scenario, Indigenous knowledge, practices and philosophies from different regions of the Amazon are essential to forging new alliances and envision possible paths towards a common future.

July 20 and 21

Catholic University of Lima, Peru