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Karen Shiratori


Karen Shiratori is an anthropologist and member of ECO Project. She holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro and is a researcher at the Center for Amerindian Studies (CEstA-USP) and at the Mixed Research Unit “Patrimoines locaux, environnement & globalisation” (PALOC-IRD). Her areas of specialization are Indigenous ethnology with a focus on shamanism, political organization and traditional knowledge about agrobiodiversity. She works with Arawá and Tupi Kagwahiva language-speaking peoples, in the south of the Amazon, Brazil. She also researches public policy and territorial rights of Indigenous peoples in isolation. She organized and was one of the authors of the book Vozes vegetais: diversidade, resistências e histórias da floresta (Editora UBU, 2021). She was awarded an EMKP- British Museum grant in 2022.