Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armou like back and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly
Book launch Arahuata Inuaelü nenakaaürüte karitiin nereretaaüre. Ninichu kuruuaje nenakaaürü Urarinaaürü nereretaau / Los antiguos me contaron. Mitos y cuentos urarinas delbajo Chambira
Launch of the book Arahuata Inuaelü nenakaaürüte karitiin nereretaaüre. Ninichu kuruuaje nenakaaürü Urarinaaürü nereretaau / Los antiguos me contaron. Mitos y cuentos urarinas delbajo Chambira. Lima: CAAAP/IIAP/U. of St. Andrews, by Emanuele Fabiano, Graeme Burnley & Samuel Nuribe. The book was also handed to local Indigenous communities and to Urarina teachers during the intercultural training of FORMABIAP.
In colaboration with FORMABIAP, California University, Brekeley.